My dear Community, I’m repeating again for our biweekly customers or anyone else who missed it- we are now offering 100% organic seeded sourdough from Bunkhouse bread on San Julian Ranch. These loaves are packed with goodness and make some off the chart toasts. We are also still offering classic sourdough which has received rave reviews from our members. Beautifully crafted loaves …

Week of June 14th

My dear Community, I was so happy to see my new flock of chickens and a few ducks arrive last week. The nationwide bird flu crisis late last year that resulted in massive amounts of chickens being slaughtered left grocery store shelves empty of eggs. These kinds of things mainly happen in big commercial production where chickens aren’t being treated properly to begin with. As we order small batches …

Week of July 7th

My dear Community, If you ordered bread last week you also received a sample of a new seeded sourdough bread which we will be offering soon. We’d love to hear what you thought about it.  We’re in peak season for strawberries, and although we have them available for quite a stretch through the year, this is their time to shine. We’re also finally offering …