Week of March 9th

We’re diving right into gut health this week as we add an intentional bunch of dandelions into the box. We know about probiotics and friendly gut bacteria, so let’s keep them diverse and strong with prebiotic foods. Dandelion greens are rich in a particular prebiotic fiber called inulin. Inulin enhances the gut’s production of “good” bacteria, such as bifidobacteria. It’s not a regular in …

Week of February 23rd

My dear Community, As we cruise right through one of the coldest weeks of winter in Buellton my gratitude for Goleta grows deeper. When you plant things in Buellton during the winter it can take upwards of a month or more to catch up to crops planted at the same time in Goleta. The temperate weather helps our farm and …

Week of February 16th

My Dear Community, Happy Valentine’s day. We’re always putting our heart into these boxes, but I’m definitely sending some extra good vibes this week. We’re not out of winter yet, but with the heatwave last week it felt like a bit of summertime. As the days get longer and the temperatures rise, our older chickens …

Week of February 9th

My dear Community, This week feels like the peak of winter for me with the greatest diurnal shifts. The temperatures have been cold enough where plants aren’t growing at the speed we’re used to picking them at. We’re coming up short on so many things this week it was a challenge to fill the boxes. I’ve been enjoying using …

Week of January 12th

My dear Community, Winter is in full swing here on the farm. Winter solstice was of course December 21st, but the effects are just starting to sink in. With limited sunlight hours and frosty mornings the crops are at a standstill. We pick what’s available and have no choice but to wait patiently until the rest come along. With limited availability this time of …