Week of September 30th

My dear community, When I stepped outside this weekend I could feel a distinct shift in the air. There was a certain smell, a crispness. Can you feel fall in the air? We are nearing the end of summer crops, but not this week. We’ll continue to bask in all the glory that summer has to offer. We’re fortunate enough in this climate …

Week of September 20th

My dear Community, As we approach the fall season, we are savoring the last of our summer crops. I hope you’ve been enjoying all the colors that the season brings. I’m happy to have strawberries back in our boxes this week. The ones from our farm have set the bar for all berries.  Have you ever thought about how food gets onto grocery store shelves? …

Week of September 13th

My dear community, We’re diving headfirst into melons this week. With an abundance on the farm comes an abundance in the box. Enjoy them along with our last days of summer. We’re also loading you up with my favorite tomato- mountain magic and some smaller cherry tomatoes. Make sure to sort through them, eat any split ones immediately and store …