Heads UP! CSA for November 13th A fall box

Growth is starting to slow down on the farm. I see fields of sugar snap peas, broccoli and cauliflower growing, but it’s taking twice as long as in the spring. We have also released a ton of beneficial insects to help battle some of the worst bugs that totally destroy crops. We released hundreds of …

Heads Up! CSA for November 6th Local Cheese

Got Cheese? Now we do! Place your order here to have some amazing local cheese included with your order. Made fresh in Carpinteria by Casitas Valley Creamery, this cheese will be available in our store moving forward. Ask me if you have any questions regarding our store. November 6th CSA contains: RED GRAPE TOMATOES CARROTS …

Heads Up! CSA for October 30th Happy Halloween

We just adopted 26 more chickens today! That brings us to a grand total of 52 chickens and 5 turkeys!! The chickens and the turkeys live side by side. The chickens tend to pick on the turkeys, but I’m sure that will pass as the turkeys get bigger! HAPPY HALLOWEEN, or the day I like …

Heads Up! CSA for October 21st Cheese and Chickens

I had a chance to visit Regenerative Earth Farms this past weekend and their creamery. Tucked away in beautiful Carpinteria, this family farm is doing a lot of great things including a creamery, pigs, chickens, bees and orchards full of fruits and nuts. This is definitely a farm we want to support, not to mention …

Heads Up! CSA October 16th

“Natural does not refer to things that come in boxes, cans, bags and wrappers. Natural refers to foods whose specially designed wrappers change with their age and tell you exactly what their status is.” -Grace Purusha, PhD October 16th CSA contains: CARROTS YELLOW ZUCCHINI CELERY RED TOMATOES RED PIMIENTO PEPPERS ROMAINE LETTUCE RED CHERRY TOMATOES …

Heads UP! CSA for October 9th

Thanks to a CSA member for sharing this entertaining and educational video about GMO labeling. Check it out here. It’s only 4 minutes long. Did you know that Washington is voting for their right to label GMO infested food in November? I imagine that the time when our country will have the right to know …

Heads UP! CSA September 18th

I ran across a really cool, local business last week that I felt a need to share. I’m big into refilling my old bottles as it obviously uses a ton less energy than recycling. I recently bumped into Refill to You’s owner and learned more about what they do like offering 15 different products for …